Friday, February 16, 2007

This is a picture of me and Daisy.
Me and the left and Daisy on the right. Not a grat picture, but who can tell now?


BirdLegs said...

Cute pic.
When do we get to see our 40 year old, pudgy, bald friend, Austin?
I would put one of me on here but, well, i'm not cute and nobody cares anyway. Here, i'll draw a little doodle of myself~~~~> :) There.

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh that HORRIBLE! Oh well, we all know you messed around with it. I don't really look like that.

Wait... You were LOOKING at these pictures??? oh!

Anonymous said...

p.s. who's "birdlegs"???

Sam said...

Neat pic....very interesting. :) Must be fun messing around with pictures...if I could only find the time to do that! *wails* ;)

LeeAnna said...

Bird legs is my mother. Yeah, I know. Don't ask.

It's a cute one! Not tooooo HORRIBLE!

Love you Daisy!


sunny_12 said...

You guys are funny. I think I'll put some pictures on my blog, too. First I have to mess with them.

Anonymous said...

it's not bad in black an white but its really bad! ya too...ehhhh


Austin said...

What a wonderful picture.

I'm neither 40, pudgy, nor bald. Maybe in 24 years. We all need goals, don't we?

LeeAnna said...

Can you prove your claim?


LeeAnna said...

I got rid of Underneath cause it was kind of useless. I started on called ACT. Visit!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

hi guys.

Hey Austin, I'm grounded again (my one of my parents unfortunatly did not know I had a myspace so she thought I was going behind her back...)
Well now I'm grounded. BUT this morning I can go on.;)

Anonymous said...

p.s. but im still grounded

sunny_12 said...

Hey Lanna, why do you have two TCA blogs when you were only supposed to get one?

Anonymous said...

Hey Lanna, just posted this where you would see it first.

Austin said...

Hello everyone.

Daisy, you didn't tell ME you had a my space either! Where is it?

Anonymous said...

Well I kind of did mention I had a myspace....but I didn't come out and say something like, "HEY I GOT A MYSPACE!" Well........I did have a mom deleted it..........

LeeAnna said...

Hi guys,
The play starts tomorrow!!!!
Pray for me!


sunny_12 said...

Posted. =)

Anonymous said...

I hope you did well!!!